
Welcome! I’m Stephanie, an aerospace engineer and the creator of Gathering Moonbows. Looking back at the last decade of my career, I realized that a lot of my success as an engineer can actually be attributed to non-engineering skills. Those “soft skills” that could benefit anyone, in any career. Gathering Moonbows was born out of my desire to discuss those skills with you in the hope that they will contribute to your own professional success.

Everything you Need to Know about Engineering Internships

If you’re an engineering student or about to be an engineering student, “internship” is a term you’ll hear often. So, what are internships, why are they so important for engineers, and how do you find good internships? That’s what we’ll be digging into in this article. I’m going to share all the internship knowledge I’ve

Everything you Need to Know about Engineering Internships Read More »

Boost your self-confidence Enough To Take On the World

Boost Your Self-Confidence: What It Really Takes To Be Confident

Want to be self-assured? Have the fortitude to learn a challenging new skill? Build a solid reputation with a new team? Learn to trust other people? It all starts with building confidence!  In this confidence series, I’ll be offering you actions you can take right now to… Boost your self-confidence (lesson 1 – keep reading

Boost Your Self-Confidence: What It Really Takes To Be Confident Read More »

Stephanie in NASAs NBL with Purdue flag

Why I chose to study Aerospace Engineering… and why it was the best decision I’ve made 

What do you want to be when you grow up? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  Does anyone else dread those questions or is it just me? I wanted to be a million and one things growing up. Firefighter, astronomer, marine biologist, pilot, astronaut, artist, horticulturist, carpenter… you name it. So, how did

Why I chose to study Aerospace Engineering… and why it was the best decision I’ve made  Read More »